Vinexpo Asia 2023

Singapore - 23-25 May, 2023
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Tasting & talking!

This May VinAccess Global participated in the inaugural Vinexpo Asia 2023 held in Singapore.

The fair was a tremendous success after the 5 year hiatus since the last Asian show in Hong Kong. Visitors came from all over Asia Pacific and kept us busy tasting and talking over the three days! Suppliers joined us from Portugal, Chile, Spain, Italy and France with customers from as far afield as New Zealand and Japan.

Vinexpo dinner event

On Tuesday evening we hosted a dinner for 40 suppliers and customers at The Swiss Club, one of Singapore’s lesser known historic landmarks. A private members club founded in 1871, the clubhouse is set in lush greenery, a truly unique retreat hidden in the middle of the jungle, and a welcome respite from the bustle of the CBD and Vinexpo.

Wine Tasting Masterclass

Restaurant Asia, catering to the local On Premise trade, ran in conjunction with Vinexpo Singapore at MBS exhibition centre. Importers had space to run a series of Masterclasses and we were invited to present the Folonari range of Tuscan wines to small groups of enthusiasts.

VinAccessGlobal has developed an extensive network of top wine importers and distributors across hard to penetrate markets